Monitoring Surgical Outcomes Using a Risk-Adjusted CUSUM Chart

In this example, we demonstrate the use of a risk-adjusted CUSUM chart. The data comes from a center for cardiac surgery in the UK and is available in the cardiacsurgery.csv file at this Zenodo link.

First, the required packages are loaded

using StatisticalProcessMonitoring, Distributions, Random, Parameters, CSV, DataFrames, CategoricalArrays, MixedModels, Plots

The dataset is then loaded as a DataFrame and the surgeon variable is categorized.

julia> dat ="cardiacsurgery.csv", DataFrame)
julia> dat.surgeon = categorical(dat.surgeon)

We divide the data into Phase I (first two years) for model estimation and Phase II (following year) for prospective monitoring.

julia> dat_ic = dat[ .<= 730, :]

We estimate the post-operative mortality rate on the Phase I data using a logistic regression model with the Parsonnet score as a covariate and the surgeon as a random intercept.

julia> using MixedModels
julia> mod = fit(MixedModel, @formula(status ~ Parsonnet + (1|surgeon)),
                 dat_ic, Bernoulli())
julia> print(mod)
Generalized Linear Mixed Model fit by maximum likelihood (nAGQ = 1)
  status ~ 1 + Parsonnet + (1 | surgeon)
  Distribution: Bernoulli{Float64}
  Link: LogitLink()

   logLik    deviance     AIC       AICc        BIC    
  -388.8235   777.6471   783.6471   783.6607   800.0816

Variance components:
           Column   Variance Std.Dev. 
surgeon (Intercept)  0.037837 0.194518

 Number of obs: 1769; levels of grouping factors: 6

Fixed-effects parameters:
                  Coef.  Std. Error       z  Pr(>|z|)
(Intercept)  -3.65655    0.17509     -20.88    <1e-96
Parsonnet     0.0818093  0.00723527   11.31    <1e-28

For Phase II monitoring, we consider data from the following year.

julia> dat_oc = dat[730 .< .<= 1095, :]

We use a risk-adjusted CUSUM control chart to monitor potential increases in post-operative patient mortality.

julia> Random.seed!(239184367)
julia> STAT = RiskAdjustedCUSUM(Δ = 0.75, model = mod, response = :status)

We set the IC average run length to 1000 and initialize the control limit.

julia> NOM = ARL(1000)
julia> LIM = OneSidedFixedLimit(1.0, true)

In-control run lengths for estimating the control limit are simulated by resampling the Phase I data using bootstrap.

julia> PH2 = Phase2(Bootstrap(), dat_ic)

After creating the ControlChart object, we find the control limit using stochastic approximations.

julia> CH = ControlChart(STAT, LIM, NOM, PH2)
julia> h = saCL!(CH, verbose = true, gamma = 0.05)
Running SA ...
Running adaptive gain ...
Estimated gain D = 0.4117860274331409
Running optimization ...
i: 0/50000      h: 2.77856      hm: 0.0 stop: 0
i: 1000/50000   h: 2.86375      hm: 2.9541      stop: 3457
i: 2000/50000   h: 2.94813      hm: 2.95045     stop: 3435
i: 3000/50000   h: 2.92253      hm: 2.95877     stop: 3420
i: 3359/50000   Convergence!
(h = 2.9568877844997226, iter = 3359, status = "Convergence")

We apply the control chart to the Phase II data and plot the results of the monitoring.

julia> proc = apply_chart(CH, dat_oc)
julia> plt = plot_series(proc, dpi = 300, label = "", xlab = L"t",
                         ylab = L"C_t")