Residual-Based Monitoring of Autocorrelated Data

In this section, we demonstrate how the ResidualStatistic and AbstractPhase2 interfaces can be extended to accommodate custom data types. Specifically, we focus on monitoring the residuals of an autoregressive $\text{AR}(1)$ model, $ y_t = \phi y_{t-1} + \varepsilon_{t}, \quad \varepsilon_{t} \sim N(0,1), $ using an EWMA control chart.

First, the required packages are imported,

using StatisticalProcessMonitoring, Distributions, Random, NLopt, Plots, Parameters, LaTeXStrings

We then define a specialization of the ResidualStatistic type, which will be used to apply the control chart to the $\text{AR}(1)$ residuals.

julia> import StatisticalProcessMonitoring.residual!,
julia> mutable struct AR1Statistic{S} <: ResidualStatistic

julia> function residual!(x, S::AR1Statistic)
           yhat = x - S.phi * S.ym1   
           S.ym1 = x
           return yhat

To sample observations from an $\text{AR}(1)$ process, we define a new type called Phase2AR1.

julia> @with_kw mutable struct Phase2AR1 <: 
          y::Float64 = 0.0
          init::Bool = false

The initial observation $y_0$ required to sample $y_1$ is initialized using the stationary distribution $N(0, 1 / (1 + \phi^2 ))$.

julia> function new_data!(PH2::Phase2AR1)
           if !PH2.init
               PH2.y = randn() / sqrt(1 - PH2.phi^2)
               PH2.init = true
           yhat = PH2.phi * PH2.y + randn()
           PH2.y = yhat
           return yhat

We consider an $\text{AR}(1)$ model with $\phi = 0.5$.

julia> seed = 4398354798
julia> Random.seed!(seed)
julia> phi = 0.5
julia> PH2 = Phase2AR1(phi = phi)

We define an EWMA control chart applied to the residuals of the $\text{AR}(1)$ model using the AR1Statistic object.

julia> STAT = AR1Statistic(EWMA(λ = 0.1), phi, 0.0)

We use a two-sided control limit for the control chart.

julia> LIM = TwoSidedFixedLimit(1.0)

We set the ARLIC to 500 and create the ControlChart object.

julia> NOM = ARL(500)
julia> CH = ControlChart(STAT, LIM, NOM, PH2)

The smoothing constant of the EWMA control chart is optimized against an anticipated persistent mean shift of $\delta = 2$.

julia> delta = 2.0
julia> rlsim_oc = x -> run_sim_oc(x, shift = delta)
julia> settings = OptSettings(verbose = false, minpar = [0.001],
                               maxpar = [0.99])
julia> opt = optimize_design!(CH, rlsim_oc, settings, optimizer = :LN_BOBYQA)
julia> print(opt)
1-element Vector{Float64}:

We consider 100 Phase II observations from the $\text{AR}(1)$ process with $\phi = 0.5$.

julia> n = 100
julia> tau = 50
julia> DGP = Phase2AR1(phi = phi)
julia> y = [new_data!(DGP) for _ in 1:n]
julia> y[(tau+1):n] .+= delta

The control chart is then applied to the data and the results are plotted.

julia> proc = apply_chart(CH, y)
julia> plt = plot_series(proc, dpi = 300, label = "", xlab = L"t",
                         ylab = L"C_t")
julia> vline!(plt, [tau], label = "tau", linestyle = :dot, colour = "black")