Getting started

Type hierarchy

The StatisticalProcessMonitoring.jl package introduces a flexible definition of a control chart through the ControlChart type. The attributes of ControlChart determine its main properties.

ControlChart type

mutable struct ControlChart{STAT, LIM, NOM, PH2} <: AbstractChart{STAT, LIM, NOM, PH2}

This type is defined as mutable, allowing updates via functions such as update_chart!.

function update_chart!(CH::AbstractChart, x)
  CH.t += 1
  update_statistic!(get_statistic(CH), x)

Then, a suitable implementation of update_statistic! will produce the desired behaviour of the monitoring statistic.

Example: EWMA and AEWMA statistics

To demonstrate the flexibility of the interface, consider the EWMA and AEWMA control charts that share control limits, nominal property, and phase II data, differing only in their statistics.

mutable struct EWMA <: AbstractStatistic 
mutable struct AEWMA <: AbstractStatistic 

The update_statistic! function is specialized for each statistic:

function update_statistic!(stat::EWMA, x::Real)
  stat.value = (1.0 - stat.λ) * stat.value + stat.λ * x

function update_statistic!(stat::AEWMA, x::Real)
  stat.value = stat.value + huber(x - stat.value, stat.λ, stat.k)

Here, the huber function implements Huber's score function. Then, as an example, we can define two control charts as:

CH_E  = ControlChart(EWMA(λ = 0.2),

CH_AE = ControlChart(AEWMA(λ = 0.2, k=3.0),

The two charts are defined with the same control limit, nominal properties, and Phase 2 object. However, their behaviour will be that of the EWMA and AEWMA control charts, respectively.

Implementation of multi-chart monitoring schemes

Multi-chart monitoring is supported by the MultipleControlChart type alias.

const MultipleControlChart{S,L,N,P} = ControlChart{S,L,N,P} where {S<:Tuple,L<:Tuple,N,P}

For example, a multi-chart statistic composed of two EWMA charts run simultaneously for monitoring normal data can be defined as

    (EWMA(λ = 0.05), EWMA(λ=0.2)),
    (TwoSidedFixedLimit(0.25), TwoSidedFixedLimit(0.5)),

Control limits

Types of control limits

Control limits $(\text{LCL}_t, \text{UCL}_t)$ can be fixed or dynamic (time-varying).

Fixed control limits

Defined using constant boundaries. For $h > 0$,

\[\text{LCL}_t = -h, \quad \text{UCL}_t = h \quad \text{for all } t.\]

Implemented as TwoSidedFixedLimit and OneSidedFixedLimit. The OneSidedFixedLimit allows choosing limits of the form $(0, h)$, if its upw attribute is set to true, or $(-h, 0)$ if set to false.

Deterministic time-varying control limits

For example, time-varying limits for the EWMA chart with fast initial response:

\[\text{LCL}_t = h \cdot g_l(t), \quad \text{UCL}_t = h \cdot g_u(t)\]

Implemented as TwoSidedCurvedLimit and OneSidedCurvedLimit, which also require specification of a deterministic function $g(t)$ .

Alternatively, the TwoSidedBootstrapLimit and OneSidedBootstrapLimit allow defining control limits based on bootstrap resampling, which provide time-varying control limits with approximately constant false alarm rate

\[\mathbb{P}(C_{t} \not\in (\text{LCL}_t, \text{UCL}_t) | C_{s} \in (\text{LCL}_s, \text{UCL}_s) \text{ for all } s < t) = \alpha.\]

Nominal properties

Subtypes of NominalProperties, they define IC run length constraints for the control chart.

  • ARL specifies the nominal average run length, $\mathbb{E}_0[\text{RL}]$.
  • QRL specifies the nominal $p$-level quantile of the IC run length.

Simulating new observations

Implemented in subtypes of AbstractPhase2.

  • Phase2Distribution samples data from distributions using the Distributions.jl package.
  • Phase2 resamples from an IC reference dataset (either a vector, a matrix or a data frame), supporting techniques like bootstrap.

Monitoring statistics

Monitoring statistics, subtyped from AbstractStatistic, implement update_statistic! to define the update behaviour as new data is sequentially observed.

Monitoring statisticType nameHyperparametersReference Paper
Mean (univariate)
ShewhartShewhartShewhart (1931)
CUSUMCUSUM$ k \in \mathbb{R}^+ $Page (1954)
EWMAEWMA$ \lambda \in (0,1)$Roberts (1959)
One-sided EWMAOneSidedEWMA$ \lambda\in (0,1)$Champ et Al. (1991)
Adaptive EWMAAEWMA$ \lambda\in (0,1), k\in \mathbb{R}^+ $Capizzi and Masarotto (2003)
Weighted CUSUMWCUSUM$ \lambda \in (0,1)$, $ k \in \mathbb{R}^+ $Shu et Al. (2008)
Mean (multivariate)
MShewhartMShewhartShewhart (1931)
MEWMADiagMEWMA$ \bm{\lambda} \in (0,1)^{p}$Lowry et Al. (1992)
MCUSUMMCUSUM$ k\in \mathbb{R}^+ $Crosier (1988)
Adaptive MEWMAMAEWMA$ \lambda\in (0,1)$, $ k \in \mathbb{R}^+ $Mahmoud and Zahran (2010)
Adaptive MCUSUMAMCUSUM$ \lambda\in (0,1)$Dai et Al. (2011)
LLCUSUMLLCUSUM$ k \in \mathbb{R}^+ $Qiu (2008)
LLDLLD$ \lambda\in (0,1)$Li et Al. (2012)
MOCMOC$ \lambda\in (0,1)$Wang et Al. (2017)
GLR-based statisticALTAlt (1984)
MEWMSMEWMS$ \lambda\in (0,1)$Huwang et Al. (2007)
MEWMCMEWMC$ \lambda\in (0,1)$Hawkins and Maboudou-Tchao (2008)
Partially-observed data
R-SADARSADA$ k, \mu_\text{min}\in \mathbb{R}^+ $Xian et Al. (2019)
TRASTRAS$ k, \mu_\text{min}, \Delta \in \mathbb{R}^+ $, $ r\in {1, \ldots,q} $Liu et Al. (2015)
Profile monitoring
NEWMANEWMA$ \lambda\in (0,1)$Zou et Al. (2008)
Risk-adjusted CUSUMRiskAdjustedCUSUM$ \Delta\in \mathbb{R} $Steiner et Al. (2000)

Table: List of available monitoring statistics in the StatisticalProcessMonitoring.jl package. Here, $p$ is the number of quality variables under monitoring. For partially-observed data, $q$ is the number of observed variables.

Statistics with estimated parameters

Separation of monitoring statistic and parameter estimation promotes code compartmentalization, facilitated by subtypes like ResidualStatistic.

For example, the definition of a monitoring statistic that behaves for $k = 1.0$ as

\[C_{t} = \max\left\{ 0, \left( \frac{X_{t} - 0.5}{2} \right) - k \right\},\]

can be defined using the LocationScaleStatistic subclass of ResidualStatistic.

STAT = LocationScaleStatistic(CUSUM(k=1.0), 0.5, 2.0)

Control limit design

FunctionsSymbolDescriptionSingle chartsMulti-charts
bisectionCL, bisectionCL!:BisectionThe standard bisection algorithm Qiu (2013). Requires an initial interval to search for the control limit.
saCL, saCL!:SAAlgorithm based on stochastic approximations. See Capizzi & Masarotto (2016) for a complete description of the tuning parameters.
combinedCL, combinedCL!:CombinedThe standard bisection algorithm combined with a preliminary low-accuracy application of the SA algorithm to automatically select the initial interval.
bootstrapCL, bootstrapCL!:BootstrapApproximates the distribution of the monitoring statistic at each time $t = 1, 2, ..., T$ for $T > 0$, and then applies bisection search. Does not require an initial interval to begin the search.

Table: List of available algorithms for designing fixed and deterministic time-varying control limits in StatisticalProcessMonitoring.jl.

A common method for determining control limits such that the nominal run length characteristic (e.g. ARL or QRL) equals the nominal value. Starting from an interval $[0, h_\text{max}]$, the method finds the appropriate control limit value via bisection, by approximating the run length characteristic at each iteration with a large number of simulated run lengths from the Phase 2 chart attribute.

This algorithm is implemented in the bisectionCL! and bisectionCL functions.

Stochastic approximations

For single- and multi-chart schemes, the method simulates one run length at a time and applies a stochastic gradient descent algorithm,

\[\bm{h}_{k+1} = \Psi\left( \bm{h}_{k} - \frac{1}{(k+1)^{q}} D \bm{s}(\bm{h}_k) \right),\]

which converges to the required control limit value. This algorithm is implemented in the saCL! and saCL functions.

using Distributions, Random

chart = ControlChart(
    (CUSUM(k = 0.25), CUSUM(k=0.5)),
    (OneSidedFixedLimit(5.0, true), OneSidedFixedLimit(5.0, true)),
(h = [7.290634106470891, 4.403721760449869], iter = 32847, status = "Convergence")

Hyperparameter tuning

Hyperparameter tuning for optimal performance with respect to a specific out-of-control scenario is implemented via:

  • Grid search (slow for multidimensional parameters)
  • Nonlinear numerical solvers available from the NLopt.jl package (e.g., BOBYQA)

The function optimize_design! provides a high-level interface for optimization and requires being able to simulate from the out-of-control scenario of interest. An example of hyperparameter optimization can be found in the Residual-Based Monitoring of Autocorrelated Data tutorial.